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Richie had figured the girl would eventually circle back around for the box if it was important to her, her job or her client. He still figured she was lying to him but instead of turning it over or throwing it out he kept it and made sure to keep it charged in case whatever was inside of it required it.

That night he had a meeting with a few of the middle men that dealt the drugs for his family. They were getting a new distribution and airing any grievances for pay or workload or whatever and it was Richie's job to field them or pass them on to his parents.

It was about halfway through it that he got a notification on his watch that someone was trying to access the back door. When he pulled up the feed he noted that it was the girl. He excused himself and as she came inside he grabbed her, pulling her in close and covering her mouth.

It was a swift move to put her into his office. "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep quiet," he said pointing at her before locking her inside.


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At the rate Anoco was 'paying' her to work off the debt, Kae knew she was never going to get out from under it. At least, it appeared that way in her young mind. Trying to get the case back seemed like the most reasonable option to her at the time.

She figured it couldn't hurt anything to break in and take a look around. Maybe it was still there. 

Somehow that went to shit immediately. As far as she could see from the outside the shop was dark, but she wasn't a full step in before a hand was clamped over her mouth and she was being manhandled into the office. 

As soon as the door closed she started casting around for some means of escape. 



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"We need to wrap this up," Richie said as he came back into the room with the men. "Just got a call from the boss and I need to call them back," he said. "Last words?" he asked as the men and women around the table glanced before they nodded.

"Take your cases and get out of here then," he said indicating to each of them. "See you all in a few weeks," he said simply as he waited for them to grab their cases and exit.

When he got back to his office he could hear the clamoring and as he got in saw the half dangling girl. He pressed his lips together as he reached up to tug her back down.


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She'd managed to move a chair and push open one of the ceiling tiles. But just when it was seeming like she might be alright, she felt arms wrapping around her legs. 

Kae grabbed for the sturdiest thing around her, fingers catching against what felt like a pipe. She held tight and kicked downward, "Get off me," she grunted, kicking again. 


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She clutched desperately at her hold until he yanked so hard she felt her nails start to rip back. Between his strength and the unexpected hurt Kae lost her grip and yelp as she fell, hitting the ground heavily. 

With a fresh rush of adrenaline, she was on her feet immediately and darted for the door even though he was partially blocking it. 

She still managed to get her hand around the knob before an arm locked around her waist and dragged her back. 


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