Richie hadn't had enough coffee for this but took her pack and opened it and started to rifle through it to find the larger, clean box compared to her destroyed and frayed items in her pack. "What's this?" he asked her as he settled the item onto a shelf beside him and continued to look through her pack.
"Not gonna happen sweetheart. Don't know if you know whose shop you just 'happened into'," he said uncrossing his arms and putting up air quotes, "but it was not a wise decision. You'll be better off with them."
"Not my problem," Richie said to her. His mom taught him to be kind to people but he had a feeling she was lying to him and that made him give no fucks over her. She was likely in there to steal something or more than something. Being in there alone was suspicious as hell being who he was related to.
Richie didn't say anything as he stood between her and her freedom. "There is someone here every day. Best mechanic in all the city," Richie advised her. "I think I'm gonna go grab the cops. If you need a place to stay their cells aren't too bad from what I've heard. Better than the streets."
Richie tilted his head as he crossed his arms in front of him. He didn't look fast but he was and he had a few enhancements that helped too and the girl was tiny but she looked slippery too. "You're the one they're looking for, aren't you?"
Richie wasn't really thinking, it was the morning, he was in the mood to work and so when he flipped the light on and spotted the girl his eyes narrowed. "Who the fuck are you?" he asked sounding pretty threatening in the moment.
Richie reached up to rub his shoulder as he dipped lower to lean against the car. He was still unaware of the girl in his shop.
He looked into the car for a long few moments before he stood up and moved to grab the engine picker. He figured his issue was still in the engine somewhere. Unfortunately for the girl. The exact thing he needed was where she was hiding.
Richie had just gotten into the office when the girl had jimmied the lock on the back door open. He started the coffee and then looked at the paperwork on his desk and sighed. He knew he needed to go through it but he was sure that it was way too early to look at paperwork right. Maybe later in the day.
Which really meant tomorrow.
As the coffee finished he poured himself a cup and headed back into the shop to the old charger. It was supposed to be his dad's project but he was pretty sure his dad had given up on it as he hadn't turned a wrench on it in almost a year.
After takin
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