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The Network - A Cyberpunk RP

Black Cloud

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Two weeks really wasn't enough time off for the injuries they sustained, but all the same Seth and Alice were back on the beat. Their first few days had been uneventful. Then they'd been called in on another narcotics bust. 

It didn't go as badly as the first had. Most of the perps left the scene in cuffs rather than body bags. But Alice's leg had been injured again. 

It made for the first close call since they'd gotten the news that their speculations about parenthood were going to be realities in just a few months. So a job that Seth usually wouldn't have thought twice about left him thoroughly shaken as all the worst possibilities hit him. 

That swiftly switched gears to anger when he found himself processing some kid who's first ID scan flagged as a fake. Of course that turned into an ordeal in and of itself, one that only left him further irate when he demanded a home address... that registered under his brother's name. Same complex, different apartment.  

So while Alice left to go get her leg treated, Seth cuffed the kid and hauled her off to Richie's apartment where he was no standing outside, holding a sullen Kaella firmly by the scruff of the neck. 


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In all honesty, Seth didn't care much about the kid. If she'd been heading anywhere else, he'd have put the scare tactics on her and turned her loose. He didn't start paying much attention to the young ones until they cropped up on his radar two or three times. So far this was the first he'd dealt with this one. 

"Oh I cleaned her up out of the den we busted," he answered, "but I think the more interesting question is why the hell is she staying here?"

"This is not-" 

"Shut up," Seth cut her off sharply and shoved her inside so his brother could close the door. 


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"She's got her own place actually," Richie corrected. Though if he were honest her getting into trouble could make that more difficult. He'd already been avoiding his mom's calls about the second apartment. "And its complicated," he said attempting to avoid the conversation with his brother.


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"God damn it Richie," despite the helmet masking most of his face, it was obvious Seth was scowling, "look I need you to fucking level with me. Because what this looks like is bad on every level. The only reason I'm not wiping the floor with you right now is that even as shit as it looks, it doesn't mesh with the b-guy I know," he stumbled briefly as he caught himself. The kid would have had to been an idiot not to already know they knew each other. She didn't need to know how. 

He shifted in place and folded his arms over his chest - his gear prevented his normal expressions of discontent, "You gotta give me something. That way when this shit eventually gets back to Vi - and you know good and god damn well it's going to get back to her if you're lucky (the implied alternative being Red) - I can at least try to defend your decision." 


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"Jesus," he said rolling his shoulders. "I bought out her debt from Anoco with the box and I'm trying to get her onto her feet. She's supposed to be," he looked to Kae before looking back to his brother, "be looking for a real job right now. Not hanging out with hooligans and street thugs. Fuck. She reminds me of the Sea Witch when she got into trouble a few years back only without anyone to help."


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Seth went silent for several long moments before muttering, "Oh for fuck's sake." 

He glanced over to the girl who was leaning her shoulder against the wall, using it to keep the weight off a bleeding leg. 

"You know most people just adopt dogs. You should try that first, next time." 


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Kae glared at him, though he was already looking away. She started to stay against the wall out of habit - contain the mess - but then she considered that she was here against her will, not asking for a favor. So she pushed her self up to limp her way there without any further concern for where the blood dripped. With her arms still cuffed behind her back she staggered a few times before she made it there. 

"She's getting patched up in medical," Seth answered crossly, ignoring the girl. 


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