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The Network - A Cyberpunk RP


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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. "Eh. Shouldn't take long then." @Morrigan
  2. "It usually sends them scattering pretty quickly," he nodded, "they say anything about who's involved?" @Morrigan
  3. "Sounds like it should be." @Morrigan
  4. "Alright," he nodded as he tossed a cup into the Keurig and set it to brew so he could slug back a quick mug. @Morrigan
  5. Kae huffed softly and slipped back to hide in her room like she usually did when they were both home. Since she had no intention of going back to that place she settled on the bed and occupied herself swiping through listings on her old phone until the monotony put her to sleep. @Morrigan
  6. "Can we just not do this weird tell me about your day routine?" @Morrigan
  7. He woke at some point in the night and noticed she wasn't in bed with him, and the TV was off in the living room. When his alarm went off and there was still no sign of her, Seth huffed and silently geared himself up for a long, unpleasant day as he dressed for their shift. @Morrigan
  8. The last thing she wanted to do right now was have to answer to him. Kae bristled as soon as she heard his voice. For a split second she was tempted to just turn right back out the door; but she'd come back for her spending allowance, so she might as well get it. "Shitty day," she answered with a shrug. @Morrigan
  9. Seth nursed the beer a minute or so before he pushed himself up and crossed to let himself out onto the balcony. He was frustrated and confused, feeling like he'd been ambushed. Everything had seemed fine when he'd come home. But since there was no chance of actually getting back to the evening he'd been expecting, he sucked down a cigarette while looking out over the sprawl of the city, then snubbed the butt in the remnant of the beer as he decided to just call it a night. @Morrigan
  10. After applying for anything that would hire teenagers, Kae finally got hired on at a popular chain. It sucked and the pay was shit, but the work itself was mostly bearable. Her coworkers were alright, but the manager she was with more often than not rubbed her the wrong way. Quite literally. The guy was a real creep. The living situation didn't help much. She worked as much as she was legally allowed just to stay out of the apartment. Even when Richie wasn't around she felt anxious and uncomfortable, aware that she didn't belong and afraid to touch anything. Weeks later all of her belong
  11. He just nodded while he uncapped the beer and leaned back against the counter. @Morrigan
  12. He still wasn't entirely clear on why she was upset but he nodded. Was he supposed to just ignore any danger whether or not he could intervene? "Alright. Fair." @Morrigan
  13. "Of course I fucking trust you. There's no one on the force I trust as much as you." @Morrigan
  14. This is fucking ridiculous, Seth thought as he swapped the beer he'd left on the counter earlier for a fully cold one, "Sure, Alice.If that's what you wanna hear then that's what happened," he answered in an annoyed tone. He didn't know what to tell her. Maybe he wouldn't have done it if he hadn't known, maybe he still would have. @Morrigan
  15. "Oh for fuck's sake," he scowled, grabbing his mostly empty beer and getting up to throw it away as an excuse to move. @Morrigan
  16. "Are you seriously pissed off because I kept you from getting shot?" @Morrigan
  17. "Because I give a shit what happens to you?" he asked incredulously. @Morrigan
  18. "Okay so I freaked out a little bit," he said irritably, "it was the first time anything real's popped off since we learned. It made everything else feel real too." @Morrigan
  19. "Of course I trust you. I just worry." @Morrigan
  20. "I'd push you out of the way of every shot if I could do it." @Morrigan
  21. "You're going to be taking maternity leave. Not retiring." @Morrigan
  22. "I thought we were just talking about taking tomorrow to let your leg rest," he answered, confused by the whole conversation. @Morrigan
  23. "So maybe it is right now but that's still months off and it's not gonna last forever." @Morrigan
  24. She slept the first few hours as her body continued to recover from the drug. When she finally woke her mouth and throat were parched. She eventually got up to use the bathroom, washing her hands and face on the way out and swishing some of the water around her mouth to moisten it before she returned to the bed for lack of knowing what else to do with herself. @Morrigan
  25. "You're not gonna end up stapled to some desk," he frowned. @Morrigan
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